Indeed, I am a student. This is my blog. My name is Alexander Carleton Berk; most people call me Alex. I share that name in the middle with my father, who lives in Columbia, South Carolina with my mother, Luanne, and two younger brothers, Daniel(right) and Michael(center). I often hear the question “Where are you from?” which is precisely what I keep asking myself. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1990, where we lived for a few years before moving to New Hampshire. At five, after my brothers were born, I moved to Indianapolis, Indiana. In 2004, we moved to Canton, Michigan where I completed high school and began attending Eastern Michigan University. Shortly after I moved into an apartment near campus, my father was blessed with an outstanding career opportunity in South Carolina, whereto they moved that fall. I intended to transfer to the University of Michigan as a junior, but South Carolina tuition was also available to me, so I applied to Clemson and USC Columbia as well. I was declined admission to Michigan and with much prayer and planning, moving to Clemson became a reality. Where am I from? I suppose I should go with Boston.
The most important thing anyone should know about me is that I love God. I became a Christian on September 3, 2006, and my life is devoted to my relationship with Him. I am a part of Campus Advance, a student organization affiliated with the Clemson Foothills Church. Our church is one of the international Churches of Christ, of which I have been a member since becoming a disciple of Jesus. I also love sports. I played soccer and tennis in high school, and love basketball and football and almost anything competitive. I enjoy writing some of the time. To be honest, I tried to get out of taking this course (I had it waived in Michigan) because I did not particularly want to write a bunch of essays. But alas, I am not a perfect writer, and practice is truly the key to perfection. I am majoring in Computer Science and have no idea what I want to do with my life. When I think of computer science, a particular type of personality enters my thoughts. I have a preconceived picture of a ‘supernerd’ (a term I just coined) who is quiet and antisocial. Like most stereotypes, this depiction holds some truth, but I am not that person. I love to be around people and build new friends. I am looking forward to this first semester at Clemson. I know it will be fun; the people here are great, and I am ready for an experience I know I would not find elsewhere.